Fun Facts About CEREC® Dental Crowns

Have you ever heard of CEREC® dental crowns? CEREC crowns are a dedicated form of dental crown that caps your teeth effectively and efficiently with a wholly customizable cap that is both timely and durable. CEREC technology can be used to fine-tune the level of comfort you will obtain, with the best possible fit for your crown. One of the... read more »

Don’t Harm Your Teeth with Sweets

Tooth decay, when left ignored, can be hazardous to your oral health. Without a dental checkup and a cleaning twice a year, your mouth is vulnerable to tooth decay. Decay can damage your teeth and lead to gum disease. Once you have a lost tooth, after an extended period you could suffer from bone loss in your jaw, speech difficulties,... read more »

Invisalign® is a Clear Choice

If you are looking to clear up your smile, then Invisalign® could be right for you. Every day, people are looking for better ways to align their smile without the hassle or pain of traditional braces. That is why, our team here at Solis Dental Group in Moline, Illinois, is happy to offer Invisalign® and give you this basic information... read more »

Should You Pick Dental Crowns or Dental Veneers?

Are you looking to restore your teeth but are stuck choosing between dental crowns or dental veneers? Although both are highly effective in enhancing the look of your smile, there are other factors that could come into play when determining which one is best suited for you. If you are only looking for an aesthetic upgrade to your smile, dental... read more »

Prescription-Strength Fluoride Supplements Can Improve Enamel Erosion Issues

Your tooth enamel is composed of a complex matrix of microscopic mineral crystal structures. The minute pores in these structures can be expanded by acidic foods and beverages and poor oral hygiene practices. This process of enamel erosion can gradually increase your chances of suffering tooth decay and sensitivity. Without timely treatment and intervention, these problems could become severe. In... read more »

The Reasons Why You Should Work Toward a Straight Smile

Do you want to align your teeth to achieve a better smile but you’re not sure you want to go through the trouble? If so, our Solis Dental Group team would like to encourage you to consider orthodontic treatment because it can benefit you in more ways than you might realize! In fact, there are many advantages when straightening your... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Solis Dental Group, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »