How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

The Benefits to Be Had From Straighter Teeth

For orthodontic care via braces, it is possible to correct malocclusions and provide your oral health with the benefits of straighter teeth. To improve your smile and eliminate risks associated with crooked teeth, the use of orthodontic braces can prove to be highly beneficial. If you wish to drastically improve the visual appearance of your smile by straightening your teeth... read more »

Tips for Making Oral Hygiene More Enjoyable for Kids

Oral hygiene is very important, and it’s very important to help children start their oral hygiene routines at an early age. This can help them care for their smiles throughout their lives. If your child has a difficult time cleaning their teeth and gums, our dentists, Dr. Kevin Solis and Dr. Trevor Craig, recommend making their oral hygiene routine a little... read more »

Oral Health Care Plans: Dental Erosion Prevention

Are you familiar with dental erosion and how it can destroy your smile? If you are not aware, dental erosion is typically caused by harmful acids that will slowly wear away your tooth enamel. Although your tooth enamel is strong and designed to protect the inner workings of a tooth, it can be slowly worn down but harmful acids. Thus,... read more »

Oral Health Surprises: Cold and Flu Season

Are you taking care of your teeth and gums by effectively lowering your risk for problems that can arise throughout the year? It is true that different times of the year can produce different oral health risks, so it is important to be ready for each one. During cold and flu season, if you should find yourself coming down with... read more »

Dental Erosion and Cavity Prevention and Its Influence on Your Smile

Optimum oral health focuses on building better lifestyle habits. This is because your tooth enamel is extremely important for optimum oral health. Your tooth enamel is a thin layer that guards the inner linings of a tooth. Your enamel can guard the root and pulp of a tooth from damage. If it is slowly worn away, the inside portions of... read more »

A Partial Denture Can Temporarily Replace Multiple Knocked Out Teeth

Oral trauma can sometimes impart so much force that it knocks out or severely traumatized multiple teeth. At a time like this, you will need to seek emergency treatment to address the damaged teeth and soft tissues. In some of these cases, multiple teeth might be so badly compromised that they simply cannot be saved and will require an extraction.... read more »

You Might Need a Dental Crown to Treat a Tooth with a Second Cavity

On occasion, a single surface cavity can be treated by installing a dental filling into the area of the decayed tooth enamel. This will essentially restore the structural integrity and basic function of the previously compromised tooth. If a new cavity afflicts the same tooth in the future, there might not be enough healthy tooth enamel remaining for a dentist... read more »

Do You Fit These Three Indications of Needing a Dental Visit?

If you are invested in improving and protecting your oral health, we encourage you to pair regular dental visits with your at-home dental care. There are times, though, that you can develop dental problems despite your best efforts. If you match any of the following criteria that it’s time to see the dentist, we invite you to schedule an appointment... read more »

What Benefits Can a Family Dental Office Offer Your Child?

If you don’t consider yourself to be an expert or even a novice on your child’s dental health, you aren’t alone. Children’s smile change constantly as they undergo a wide variety of developments over the years. However, bringing your child to see a dentist allows them to be seen and treated by someone who understands these changes. Dentists possess the... read more »